사용설명서 2020. 7. 23. 16:11

기기명 (Instrument) :  Digitizing Oscilloscope (디지타이징 오실로스코프)

제작회사 (Manufacturer) :  Tektronix (텍트로닉스)

형식 (Model) :  TDS784D

세부내용 (Description) : 

Features & Benefits
 -. 1 GHz Bandwidth
 -. Sample Rate to 4 GS/s
 -. 200,000 Maximum Waveform Capture Rate
 -. 4 Channels
 -. 1% Vertical Accuracy
 -. 8-Bit Vertical Resolution, Over 11 Bits with Averaging and Over 13 Bits with Hi-res
 -. 1 ns Peak Detect
 -. 1 mV/div to 10 V/div Sensitivity
 -. Channel Deskew
 -. Record Lengths to 8 M Points
 -. Floppy Disk Storage
 -. Iomega Zip and Zip Plus Drive Compatible
 -. Advanced Triggering
 -. 29 Automatic Measurements and Measurement Statistics
 -. FFT and Advanced Math
 -. Histograms
 -. Histogram Statistics
 -. Limit Test
 -. FastFrame™ Time Stamp
 -. Communication Signal Analysis Including Mask Testing and SONET/SDH and Fibre Channel Optical Reference Receivers
 -. Full GPIB Programmability
 -. 3 Year Warranty
 -. CE Marking

 -. Communication Compliance Testing
 -. Digital Design and Debug
 -. Jitter and Timing Analysis
 -. Fast Edge Characterization
 -. Video Design and Debug
 -. Disk Drive Measurements
 -. Power Measurements



TDS784D Electrical Characteristics

Max Real-time Sample Rate

Maximum Record Length


1 GHz*1

# Channels


# Samplers


1 channel

4 GS/s

2 channels

2 GS/s

3-4 channels

1 GS/s

Equivalent-time sample rate

250 GS/s max.

1 channel

50 K (Opt. 1M: 500 K, Opt. 2M: 8 M)

2 channels

50 K (Opt. 1M: 250 K, Opt. 2M: 4 M)

3-4 channels

50 K (Opt. 1M: 130 K, Opt. 2M: 2 M)

Max sample rate window*2

2 ms



*1 In 50 Ω mode: 5 mV/div: 750 MHz, 2 mV/div: 600 MHz, 1 mV/div: 500 MHz. Reduce the upper bandwidth frequencies by 5 MHz for each degree C above 30 °C.

*2 Single-channel operating at full sample rate and maximum record length (Opt. 2M).

TDS784D Vertical System


1 mV/div to 10 V/div (1 MΩ mode), 1 mV/div to 1 V/div (50 Ω mode)

DC gain accuracy

±1.0% (±0.7% typical)

Effective bits (typical)

5.5 (1 GHz @ 4 GS/s), 9.7 with hi-res (1 MHz @ 10 MS/s)

Vertical resolution

8 Bits (256 levels on 10.25 divisions), >11 Bits with averaging, >12 Bits typical with hi-res

Position range

±5 divisions

Offset range

±1 V from 1 mV to 100 mV/div, ±10 V from 101 mV to 1 V/div, ±100 V from 1.01 V to 10 V/div

Analog bandwidth selections

20 MHz, 250 MHz, full

Input coupling


Input impedance selections

1 MΩ in parallel with 10 pF or 50 Ω (AC and DC coupling)

AC-coupled low frequency limit

≤10 Hz when AC 1 MΩ coupled. ≤200 kHz when AC 50 Ω coupled.

Channel isolation

>100:1 at 100 MHz and >30:1 at the rated bandwidth

Max. input voltage

300 V CAT II ±400 V (peak). Derate at 20 dB/decade above 1 MHz. 1 MΩ or GND coupled.

TDS784D Timebase System

Time bases

Main, delayed

Time base range

200 ps to 10 s/div

Time base accuracy

±25 ppm (over any interval ≥1 ms)

Delta time measurement accuracy

±(0.15/sample rate) + (25 ppm x [reading])

Trigger jitter

7 ps (typical)

Pre-trigger position

0% to 100% of any record

Delay between channels

≤50 ps (any 2 channels with equal V/div and coupling)

Acquisition Modes

DPO - Captures and displays complex waveforms, random events and subtle patterns in actual signal behavior. By acquiring up to 100 M points/sec, the TDS784D DPO is able to provide 3 dimensions of signal information, in real-time; amplitude, time, and the distribution of amplitude over time. The DPX™ Waveform Imaging Processor automatically selects record lengths between 500 and 500,000 points and sample rate up to 1 GS/s, based on horizontal time base setting, to optimize displayed sample density.

Peak Detect - High frequency and random glitch capture. Captures glitches of 1 ns using acquisition hardware at all real-time sampling rates.

Sample - Sample data only.

Envelope - Max/min values acquired over one or more acquisitions.

Average - Waveform data from 2 to 10,000 (selectable) is averaged.

Hi-res - Vertical resolution improvement and noise reduction on low-frequency signal (e.g. 12 Bits typical).

FastFrame™ Time Stamp - Acquisition memory size segmentable with trigger rate up to 80,000 per second from 50 to 5,000 points per frame (independent of the number of channels).

Single Sequence - Use RUN/STOP button to capture a single triggered acquisition at a time, which may be automatically saved to NVRAM with AutoSave.

Trigger System

Triggers - Main and delayed.

Main Trigger Modes - Auto, normal, single.

Delayed Trigger - Delayed by time, events or events and time.

Time Delay Range - 16 ns to 250 s.

Events Delay Range - 1 to 9,999,999 events.

External Rear Input - ≥1.5 kΩ; Max input voltage is ±20 V (DC + peak AC).

Trigger Types

EDGE (main and delayed) - Conventional level-driven trigger. Positive or negative slope on any channel or rear panel auxiliary input. Coupling selections: DC, AC, noise reject, HF reject, LF reject.

LOGIC (main) - PATTERN: Specifies a logical combination (AND, OR, NAND, NOR) of the four input channels (high, low, don't care). Trigger when pattern stays true or false for a specified time.

STATE: Any logical pattern of channels 1, 2, and 3 (AUX1 on 2-CH products) plus a clock edge on channel 4 (AUX2 on 2-CH products). Triggerable on rising or falling clock edge.

SETUP/HOLD: Trigger on violations of both setup time and hold time between clock and data which are on two input channels.

PULSE (main) - GLITCH: Trigger on or reject glitches of positive, negative, or either polarity. Minimum glitch width is 1.0 ns (typical) 2 ns (warranted) with 200 ps resolution.

RUNT: Trigger on a pulse that crosses one threshold but fails to cross a second threshold before crossing the first again.

WIDTH: Trigger on width of positive or negative pulse either within or out of selectable time limits (1 ns to 1 s).

SLEW RATE: Trigger on pulse edge rates that are either faster or slower than a set rate. Edges can be rising, falling or either.

TIMEOUT: Trigger on an event which remains high, low, or either, for a specified time period, selectable from 1 ns to 1 s, with 200 ps resolution.

COMM (optional) - AMI: Trigger on standard communications signals (including DS1, DS1A, DS1C, DS2, DS3, E1, E2, E3, STS-1 or a custom bit rate). Select between "isolated ones" (positive or negative) and eye diagrams.

CMI: Trigger on standard communications signals (including STS-3, STM1E, DS4NA, E4 or a custom bit rate). Select between positive or negative one pulses, zero pulses and eye diagrams.

NRZ: Trigger on standard communications signals (including OC1/STM0, OC3/STM1, OC12/STM4, E5, FC133, FC266, FC531, FC1063, FDDI HALT, 143 Mb/s serial digital composite video, 270 Mb/s serial digital component video or a custom bit rate). Select between an eye diagram, rising or falling edges or any of eight 3-Bit serial patterns.

VIDEO (optional) - Trigger on a particular line of individual, odd/even or all fields. Trigger on a specific pixel of a line by using the video trigger with delay by events. Choose positive or negative horizontal sync polarity. 525/NTSC: Choose monochrome or color (studio-quality NTSC) sync formats. 625/PAL: Choose color or monochrome (studio-quality PAL) sync formats. HDTV: Choose from 1125/60, 1050/60, 1250/50 and 787.5/60 HDTV formats.

Measurement System

Automatic Waveform Measurements - Period, frequency, +width, -width, rise time, fall time, +duty cycle, -duty cycle, delay, phase, burst width, high, low, max. min, peak to peak, amplitude, +overshoot, -overshoot, mean, cycle mean, RMS, cycle RMS, area, cycle area, extinction ratio (ratio, dB, %) and mean optical power. Continuous update of up to four measurements on any combination of waveforms.

Measurement Statistics - Display minimum and maximum or mean and standard deviation on any displayed single-waveform measurements.

Thresholds - Settable in percentage or voltage.

Gating - Any region of the waveform may be isolated for measurement using vertical bars.

Snapshot - Performs all measurements on any one waveform showing results from one instant in time.

Cursor Measurements - Absolute, Delta: Volts, time, frequency and NTSC IRE and line number (with video trigger option).

Cursor Types - Horizontal bars (volts), vertical bars (time); operated independently or in tracking mode.

Waveform Processing

Waveform Functions - Sin(x)/x or linear interpolation, average, envelope.

Advanced Waveform Functions - FFT, integration, differentiation.

Arithmetic Operators - Add, subtract, multiply, divide, invert.

Autoset - Single-button, automatic setup on selected input signal for vertical, horizontal and trigger systems. Also automatically normalizes signals to standard masks when used with the mask testing option.

Waveform Limit Testing - Compares incoming or math waveform to a reference waveform's upper and lower limits.

Waveform Histograms - Both vertical and horizontal histograms, with periodically updated measurements, allow statistical distributions to be analyzed over any region of the signal. For histograms on DPO acquisitions, both live and stored, the specified region can be repositioned and will update to reflect the underlying 3 dimensional data base, in both YT and XY modes (32 Bits in shallow mode, 64 Bits in deep mode).

Mask Testing (optional) - In addition to the standard communication masks in the instrument, the masks can be edited on the screen. Together with automatic waveform scaling, the mask tests give rapid verification of a digital bit stream's conformance to pulse templates and eye pattern masks. For optical conformance testing, the internal Fibre Channel and SONET/SDH optical reference receiver filters provide convenient test setup which is compliant to industry standards.

Zoom Characteristics - The zoom feature allows waveforms to be expanded or compressed in both vertical and horizontal axes. Allows precise comparison and study of fine waveform detail without affecting ongoing acquisitions. When used with Hi-res or Average acquisition modes, Zoom provides an effective vertical dynamic range or 1,000 divisions or 100 screens. Zoom features not available on DPO operations.

Dual Window Zoom - Dual graticules simultaneously show selected and zoomed waveforms. Up to two zoom boxes show areas on the selected trace that are being magnified, and the two magnified areas can be overlapped for quick comparison. Color of zoomed trace matches selected trace.

Display Characteristics

Waveform Style - Dots, vectors, variable persistence from 32 ms to 10 s, infinite persistence and intensified samples.

Color - Standard palettes and user-definable color for waveforms, text, graticules and cursors. Measurement text and cursor colors matched to waveform. Waveform collision areas highlighted with different color. Statistical waveform distribution shown with color grading through variable persistence.

Color Grading - With variable persistence selected, historical timing information is represented by temperature or spectral color scheme providing "Z-axis" information about rapidly-changing waveforms.

Graticules - Full, grid, cross-hair, frame, NTSC and PAL (with video trigger option).

Format - YT and XY (and XYZ and dual XY in DPO operation).

Type - 7 in. diagonal, NuColor™ liquid crystal full color shutter display, 256 color levels.

Resolution - 640 horizontal by 480 vertical displayed pixels (VGA).

Computer Interface

GPIB (IEEE-488.2) Programmability - Full talk/listen modes. Control of all modes, settings, and measurements.


Printer - Phaser 740N/740P, HP Thinkjet, Deskjet, Laserjet, Epson, Interleaf, PostScript, TIFF, PCX, BMP, DPU411/412, RLE.

Plotter - HPGL.

Data - MathCad, spreadsheet formats.

Interface - GPIB standard.

Hardcopy Interface - Centronics and RS-232 (talk only).


Non-volatile Waveform Storage - 4 full 50 K records (Opt. 1M or 2M: 4 full 130 K records, 2 full 250 K records or 1 compressed 500 K record).

Non-volatile Storage for Setups - 10 front panel setups.

Floppy Disk Drive - Store reference waveforms, setups and image files on 3.5 in. 1.44 MB or 720 K MS DOS-format floppy disk.

Iomega Zip and Zip Plus Drive Compatible - Compatible for waveform and front panel setup file transfer to Iomega Zip and Zip Plus Drives.

Power Requirements

Line Voltage Range - 100 to 240 VRMS, ±10%.

Line Frequency - 45 to 440 Hz.

Power Consumption - 350 W max.

Environmental and Safety

Temperature - Operating: +4 °C to +50 °C (floppy not used), +10 °C to +50 °C (floppy in use).

Nonoperating: -22 °C to +60 °C.

Humidity - Operating: To 80% RH at ≤ 32 °C. Derates to 30% RH at +45 °C.

Nonoperating: To 90% RH at ≤ 40 °C. Derates to 30% RH at +60 °C.

Altitude - Operating: 15,000 ft. (hard disk not used), 10,000 ft. (hard disk in use).

Nonoperating: 40,000 ft.

Electromagnetic Compatibility - 89/336/EEC.

Safety - UL3111-1, CSA1010.1, EN61010-1, IEC61010-1.

Physical Characteristics







Height with feet



Height without feet



Width with handle



Depth with front cover installed



Net approximately



Shipping Weight approximately





첨부 (Attach)

   파일내용 (The content of file) : 

     -. Data Sheet (데이터시트; TDS700D series) :

Tektronix TDS700D_Data Sheet.pdf

     -. User Manual (사용설명서; TDS500D, TDS600B, TDS700D series) :

Tektronix TDS500D TDS600B TDS700D series_User Manual.pdf

     -. Service Manual (서비스 매뉴얼; TDS500D, TDS600B, TDS700D series & TDS714L) :

Tektronix TDS500D TDS600B TDS700D & TDS714L series_Service Manual.pdf

     -. Technical Reference (TDS500D, TDS600B, TDS700D series & TDS714L) :

Tektronix TDS500D TDS600B TDS700D & TDS714L series_Technical Reference.pdf

     -. Reference (TDS500D TDS600B TDS700D series) :

Tektronix TDS500D TDS600B TDS700D series_Reference.pdf

   사진 (Picture)  :

Tektronix / TDS784A

posted by 엠씨고