계측기정보 2019. 9. 3. 14:54

기기명 (Instrument) :  Multi Format Waveform Monitor

제작회사 (Manufacturer) :  Leader

형식 (Model) :  LV 5152

세부내용 (Description) : 

LV 5152는, DTV 대응의 Multi Format 의 Analog 신호용 파형 모니터입니다.
본 기기는, 2계통의 Analog Component 입력을 가져, 파형 표시 외에 Vector, Timing, Audio 표시 기능을 갖추고
있습니다. 또, Full Line 선택 장치 기능, Menu 화면에 의한 각종 설정 기능 등 충실한 기능을 갖추고 있습니다.

 -. DTV에 대응한 10종류의 Video Format을 관측
 -. 2계통의 Analog Component 입력을 장착
 -. All Format에 대응한 Full Line Selector를 장착
 -. 파형 표시 외에, Vector, Timing, Audio 표시도 가능

첨부 (Attach)

   파일내용 (The content of file) :  Catalog

Leader LV 5152_Catalog.pdf

   사진 (Picture)  : 

LV 5152

posted by 엠씨고
계측기정보 2019. 9. 3. 13:27

기기명 (Instrument) :  Multi Test Signal Generator

제작회사 (Manufacturer) :  Shibasoku

형식 (Model) :  TG39A series (TG39AV / TG39AA / TG39AB / TG39AC)

세부내용 (Description) : 

Additional Features:

 -. Memory backup time: longer than 1,000 hours
 -. Operating temperature range: 0 to 40 degress C
 -. Relative humidity: 25% to 90% RH (no dew condensation)
 -. Power Supply: AC 90 TO 130/180 TO 250 v, 50/60 Hz
 -. Power Consumption: Max 180 VA

The ShibaSoku TG39A Multi Test Signal Generator is designed to support the testing requirements of eight television systems to add a new function to the TG19C series. Over 100 kinds of test signals can be generated with the video signal section, and an SCART connector output has been added as standard equipment to the output ports of the TG19C series. In the RF signal generation section, the output level can be varied in 0.5 dB steps, and SAW filters for each TV system have been built in to improve signal accuracy. A lineup of 4 models has been prepared ranging from a model exclusively for video signals to a Teletext-compliant model, to provide the optimum support for the development, design, production and testing of devices such as TVs, DVD recorders and TV tuners for any country in the world.

첨부 (Attach)

   파일내용 (The content of file) :  Catalog

Shibasoku TG39A series_Catalog.pdf

   사진 (Picture)  : 

TG39A series (TG39AV / TG39AA / TG39AB / TG39AC)

posted by 엠씨고
계측기정보 2019. 8. 1. 15:58

기기명 (Instrument) :  초소형 아날로그 타이머

제작회사 (Manufacturer) :  Autonics (오토닉스)

형식 (Model) :  ATM series (ATM4-2□S / ATM4-2□M / ATM4-23H / ATM4-5□S / ATM4-5□M / ATM4-53H / ATM4-6□S / ATM4-6□M / ATM4-63H)

세부내용 (Description) : 

W21.5 X H28mm의 초소형 사이즈로 공간 제약을 최소화한 아날로그 타이머 ATM 시리즈는 모델에 따라 0.1초에서 3시간까지, 총 11개의 시간 범위와 함께 다양한 전원 전압을 지원합니다. 또한, 4c(4PDT) 접점으로 4개의 출력을 동시에 사용할 수 있으며, 다이얼을 이용한 간편한 시간 설정으로 사용자의 편의성이 향상되었습니다.

주요 특징
 - 초소형 사이즈 실현(W21.5×H28×L59.3mm)
 - 4c(4PDT) 접점(250VAC, 3A)
 - 고정도 시간 제어
 - 다이얼을 사용한 간편한 시간 설정
 - 다양한 시간 범위 : 0.1초~3시간(11개 시간 범위, 모델로서 구분)
 - 전원전압
    ATM4-2: 24VDC
    ATM4-5: 220VAC 50/60Hz
    ATM4-6: 110VAC 50/60Hz


첨부 (Attach)

   파일내용 (The content of file) :  카탈로그 (Catalog)   

Autonics ATM series_초소형 아날로그 타이머 (카탈로그).pdf
Autonics ATM series_초소형 아날로그 타이머 (Catalog).pdf

   사진 (Picture)  :


posted by 엠씨고
계측기정보 2019. 5. 8. 16:42

기기명 (Instrument) :  Waveform Vector Monitor

제작회사 (Manufacturer) :  Tektronix

형식 (Model) :  1740A, 1750A, 1760 Series

1740A : NTSC Waveform/Vector Monitor.

1741A : PAL Waveform/Vector Monitor.

1745A : NTSC/PAL Waveform/Vector Monitor.

1750A : NTSC Waveform/Vector/SCH Monitor.

1751A : PAL Waveform/Vector/SCH Monitor.

1755A : NTSC/PAL Waveform/Vector/SCH Monitor.

1760A : NTSC/Component Waveform/Vector Monitor.

1761A : PAL/Component Waveform/Vector Monitor.

1765 : NTSC/PAL/Component Waveform/Vector Monitor.

세부내용 (Description) : 

Features & Benefits

  • Composite or Component Waveform Monitoring
  • Composite Vector Display
  • Picture Display
  • Stereo Audio Display
  • Time Code Phasing and Amplitude
  • SCH and Color Framing Display
  • Component Vector, Lightning, Diamond, and Bowtie


  • Analog Baseband Video Monitoring for Broadcast and Postproduction Applications

The 1740A/1750A/1760 Series make up a family of analog video waveform/vector monitors with progressive features in support of today's demanding television environment.

Each model in the series provides improved video performance and ease of operation and incorporates application-specific features. The family includes the 1740A Series composite analog waveform/vector monitors, the 1750A Series, which adds SCH and color frame verification capabilities, and the 1760 Series for mixed-format component/composite applications. (While the 1740A and 1750A do provide basic component waveform monitoring capabilities with parade and overlay displays, only the 1760 provides full component monitoring capabilities.)

Each series includes models for NTSC, PAL, or dual-standard NTSC/PAL operation. For NTSC models, the last digit of the model number is '0' (1740A, 1750A, or 1760); '1' for PAL (1741A, 1751A, or 1761); and '5' for dual-standard NTSC/PAL (1745A, 1755A, or 1765).

The family features a common, straightforward operator interface, allowing the operator to take immediate advantage of the instrument's extensive feature set. Each operating mode provides a full set of operating controls, clearly labeled and within easy reach. Key controls are always available, with bezel buttons and knobs identified by intuitive on-screen labels.

Selection Guide

Product Applications

1740A Series

1750A Series

1760 Series

Composite or Component Waveform Monitoring




Composite Vector Display




Picture Display




Stereo Audio Display




Time Code Phasing and Amplitude




SCH and Color Framing Display



Opt. SC

Component Vector, Lightning, Diamond, and Bowtie




All family members provide the following standard features:

Eight Video Inputs eliminate the requirement for external input selectors, reducing total system cost in many applications. Since all eight inputs are connected directly to the instrument, signals may be paraded, overlaid, or displayed in comparison modes not normally available with a simple external switcher.

Waveform monitoring is analog for maximum waveform fidelity. There is no digital processing of the displayed signal. The selected input may be displayed in one- or two-line or one- or two-field sweeps on a continuous basis or identified lines of any field may be selected and displayed. Multiple inputs may be displayed at the same time or multiple filters may be applied to one input for signal analysis. Time and voltage cursors may be activated and positioned for reference or measurement.

Composite Vectorscope functions demodulate and display the color components of the NTSC or PAL signal. A microprocessor-controlled phase shifter provides accurate vector positioning and eliminates readjustment when switching between internal and external reference modes. Phase and amplitude cursors with on-screen readout allow system setup to reproduce specific chroma values and specific colors when luminance is similarly set using the waveform-display voltage cursors.

Picture Monitor mode is provided for easy signal identification. This is particularly useful when the instrument is used to monitor many sources, as in a production suite or outside production vehicle. In waveform or vector line select mode, a line bright-up marker in the picture display identifies the selected line.

Stereo Audio Amplitude and Phase are monitored using a calibrated L/R Lissajous display. The operator can quickly see that the program audio will be properly reproduced on both monaural and stereo receivers. Correct phasing between two audio channels is quickly verified by the direction of the display; signal level (left + right) is confirmed relative to the CRT graticule; and stereo separation (left - right) is displayed in quadrature to the level display.

Audio frequency -3 dB bandwidth is 200 kHz. Phase match between the left and right channels is better than 1 degree at 20 kHz. Input is high-impedance bridging, either balanced or unbalanced, to allow signal monitoring of existing audio circuits.

This display of stereo audio is intuitive and easy to use and has gained wide acceptance in new-generation Tektronix vectorscopes.

Longitudinal Time Code is monitored in a frame rate display to allow observation of amplitude, synchronization, and phase with respect to reference vertical. Synchronization is confirmed by the stationary display and time code phase is easily determined by horizontal position of the time code sync word on the CRT.

These monitors provide multiple display modes, allowing simultaneous observation of the many important parameters that make up a television signal. For example, vector, waveform, and audio may be displayed together for an indication of signal quality without operator intervention.

In the 1750A, or 1760 with the SCH option, Subcarrier/Horizontal Phase and Color Framing are displayed graphically in the patented Tektronix polar SCH display. Sync jitter over the field is displayed as a moving sync vector dot or displayed as a timing error at a vertical rate to identify the relationship over the field time. Correct color framing is quickly verified by the position of the single sync vector dot relative to the color subcarrier vector when the monitor is externally referenced.

The SCH phase of the reference signal is separately sensed to allow reliable SCH and color framing comparison. Using this method of determining relative SCH phase and color framing eliminates the requirement for a precise horizontal timing match between the reference and measured signals and an external color-field identification input is not required.

User Interface

Characteristic of current-generation Tektronix instruments, an intuitive operator interface allows full instrument utilization with minimal reference to the provided user and maintenance manuals. Operating modes, any of eight video inputs, and key control knobs and buttons are always available for direct access from the front panel.

To keep operation easy and straightforward, the 1740A, 1750A, and 1760 family "learns" the user's preferences for waveform, vector, and picture modes (and SCH in the 1750A and 1760 with the SCH option). Returning to one of these modes restores the previous configuration. Changes to a mode configuration are easily made using front-panel buttons, supplemented by screen-labeled buttons and knobs. Knob operations such as position, gain, phase, etc., are stored as well.

The 1740A/1750A/1760 family is easily configured for special monitoring applications, which may be stored in user presets for easy recall. For example, a program line or off-air VITS may be set up as preset number 3. Preset number 3 could be named and later recalled to display line 19 of the selected input in 2H sweep, with voltage cursors marking proper signal levels. Other presets could be used to immediately access and display signals from other points in the system. Different operators could quickly return to preferred monitoring setups after specialized signal checks.

With eight loopthrough video inputs, the 1740A/1750A/1760 family is a versatile central point system monitor. This capability is particularly useful in the production studio, where several machines, cameras, and composite input/output feeds are in use.

As a machine monitor, the instrument may be operated from a central control panel, with waveform, vector (SCH and color framing with the 1750A Series and 1760 Series with SCH), audio, time code, and servo signals easily observed.

High-performance Design

The control system, based on Motorola's rugged MC68332 32 bit microprocessor with internal co-processing, facilitates instrument control and timing functions. Flash EPROMs simplify updating the instrument to the latest firmware configuration.

The 1740A/1750A/1760 family is based on completely new, high-performance analog video system electronics. Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), developed by Tektronix specifically to maintain signal fidelity in a television test instrument, handle internal signal routing and amplification. Video performance is tightly controlled providing confidence that the signal display accurately represents the signal under test.

As an example of this new video performance level, the series permits observation of the video signal at up to x10 vertical and x25 horizontal magnification. Any part of the signal may be positioned on-screen in any magnification. Overscan performance at any gain setting is virtually distortion-free.

DC Offset (position match) between two or more displayed channels is within 1 IRE or 7 mV. Loopthrough return loss is better than 40 dB to 10 MHz.

Operational Flexibility

Eight loopthrough video inputs may be connected to the rear panel of the 1740A/1750A/1760 Series, eliminating the need for a dedicated routing switcher bus in many applications. Any of these inputs may be selected singly or in combination from the front panel or through the RS-232 interface. Input selection may also be included in preset configurations recalled using a remote control connector.

A separate external input may be selected to synchronize the display, allowing relative SCH and color framing comparison between two input signals or with the house reference. Because a separate SCH evaluation is done on the reference signal, SCH and color framing displays are accurate over a wide input range.

Signal standards can be automatically selected, NTSC 525/60 or PAL 625/50, in dual-standard 1745A/1755A/1765 models. A CRT graticule suitable for both standards is provided. A microprocessor-controlled phase shifter may be activated to rotate the vector display to the correct position on the display. Once set for each standard, the instrument displays the correct vector rotation when the video standard is changed.

A new universal input power supply is a part of these monitors. AC mains in the range of 90 to 250 V, 50 or 60 Hz, are accommodated automatically. This new power supply will also operate from a nonsinusoidial supply, allowing battery operation using an external, high-efficiency switching inverter. A snap-lock power cord appropriate to the country of use is supplied with each instrument.

첨부 (Attach)

   파일내용 (The content of file) :  Data Sheet

Tektronix 1740A, 1750A, 1760 Series_Waveform Vector Monitor(Data Sheet).pdf


   사진 (Picture)  :  

posted by 엠씨고
계측기정보 2019. 5. 8. 15:40

기기명 (Instrument) :  오실로스코프 (Oscilloscope)

제작회사 (Manufacturer) :  Agilent

형식 (Model) :  3000 series ( DSO3062A : 60 MHz, DSO3102A : 100 MHz, DSO3152A : 150 MHz, DSO3202A : 200 MHz )

세부내용 (Description) : 

주요 특징 및 사양

60MHz 대역폭
-. 2개의 채널
-. 4kpts 메모리 깊이
-. 1GSa/s 샘플링 속도
-. PC에 대한 표준 USB 디바이스 연결, 그리고 GPIB 및 RS-232 연결 옵션

-. 320 x 240 해상도의 컬러 VGA 디스플레이
-. 에지, 펄스 폭 및 라인 선택 가능한 비디오를 포함한 고급 트리거링
-. 무료 스코프 연결 소프트웨어 무료 스코프 연결 소프트웨어

-. 20가지 자동 측정
-. FFT를 포함한 4개의 함수기능
-. 마스크 테스트, 시퀀스 모드 및 지연 스위프
-. 작동 중인 DSO3000 시리즈 보기 -- 데모 비디오 비디오 데모


특 징:
-. 최대 1GSa/s 샘플링 속도 및 4K포인트 메모리
-. 추가 외부 트리거 입력이 있는 채널 2개
-. 대형 15cm(5.9인치) 컬러 디스플레이
-. 20개 자동 측정 및 4개 수학 함수(FTT 포함)
-. 에지, 펄스 폭 및 라인 선택 가능한 비디오를 포함한 고급 트리거링
-. 지연된 스위프 모드
-. 시퀀스 모드(분할 메모리)
-. 마스크 테스트
-. PC 연결용 USB 인터페이스

첨부 (Attach)

   파일내용 (The content of file) :  Data Sheet

Agilent 3000 series_Oscilloscope(Data Sheet).pdf


   사진 (Picture)  : 

posted by 엠씨고
계측기정보 2019. 5. 7. 17:15

기기명 (Instrument) :  Thermometer

제작회사 (Manufacturer) :  TES

형식 (Model) :  1319A

세부내용 (Description) : 


첨부 (Attach)

   파일내용 (The content of file) : 


   사진 (Picture)  : 

posted by 엠씨고
계측기정보 2019. 5. 7. 11:41

기기명 (Instrument) :  Magnifier Digital Oscilloscope

제작회사 (Manufacturer) :  OWON

형식 (Model) :  XDS series ( XDS3062A / XDS3102A / XDS3202A / XDS3102 / XDS3202E / XDS3202 / XDS3302 )

세부내용 (Description) : 
















샘플 속도

1GS /

2GS /

2.5GS /

수직 해상도 (A / D)

12 비트

14 비트

8 비트

레코드 길이


수평 눈금 (s / div)

2ns / div - 1000s / div, 1 - 2 - 5 단계

1ns / div - 1000s / div, 1 - 2 - 5 단계

2ns / div - 1000s / div, 1 - 2 - 5 단계

1ns / div - 1000s / div, 1 - 2 - 5 단계


2 + 1 (외부)


8 "컬러 LCD, 800 x 600 픽셀

방아쇠 종류

에지, 비디오, 펄스, 슬로프, 런트, 윈도우, 타임 아웃, N 번째 에지, 로직, I2C, SPI, RS232 CAN (옵션)

버스 디코딩

I2C, SPI, RS232 CAN (옵션)

통신 인터페이스

USB 호스트, USB 장치, PictBridge USB 포트, Trig Out (P / F), LAN VGA (옵션)

전원 공급 장치

100V - 240V AC, 50 / 60Hz, CAT II

전력 소비



2A, T 클래스, 250V

배터리 (선택 사양)

3.7V, 13200mAh

치수 (W x H x D)

340 x 177 x 90 mm


2.60 kg



선택적 모듈 / 기능






arb 파형 발생기


디지털 측정기


터치 스크린 (커패시터 )

첨부 (Attach)

   파일내용 (The content of file) :  Datasheet

OWON XDS series_디지털 오실로스코프 (Datasheet).pdf


   사진 (Picture)  : 

posted by 엠씨고
계측기정보 2019. 5. 7. 11:19

기기명 (Instrument) :  디지털 스토리지 오실로스코프 (Digital Storage Oscilloscope)

제작회사 (Manufacturer) :  Tektronix

형식 (Model) :  TBS2000 series ( TBS2072 / TBS2102 / TBS2074 / TBS2104 )

세부내용 (Description) : 

새로운 TBS2000은 오실로스코프의 가장 중요한 기능인 신호 관찰 및 측정을 보다 탁월하게 수행할 수 있습니다. 보다 큰 9인치 디스플레이 및 보다 긴 20M 레코드 길이로 보다 많은 내용을 볼 수 있습니다. 또한 편리한 커서와 강력한 32개의 자동 측정으로 더 많은 것을 측정할 수 있으며, Wi-fi 연결을 통해 보다 많은 사람들과 공유할 수 있습니다. 저렴한 이 스코프는 동급 최고의 성능을 제공합니다.


첨부 (Attach)

   파일내용 (The content of file) : Datasheet 

Tektronix TBS2000 series_디지털 스토리지 오실로스코프 (Datasheet).pdf


   사진 (Picture)  : 

posted by 엠씨고
계측기정보 2019. 4. 24. 15:31

기기명 (Instrument) :  RF Signal Generator

제작회사 (Manufacturer) :  ED Corporation

형식 (Model) :  SG-1150

세부내용 (Description) : 

  • RF 100 kHz ~ 450 MHz (7 Range)
  • Output of Internal modulation frequency (1 kHz)
  • Digital Counter for frequency
  • Good for AM & SSB experiments
Frequency Range

100 kHz ~ 150 MHz (in 6 ranges)

150 MHz ~ 450 MHz (3rd Harmonics)

Accuracy (Freq.) 0.01 % ± 1 digit (after 30 minutes Warm-up)
RF Output

0.1 Vrms (at 100 kHz) Approx.

High / Low Switch & Continuous Variable

Modulation Internal: 1 kHz, External: 50 Hz ~ 20 kHz (Less than 1 V)
AF Output 1 kHz, 1 Vrms Approx.
RF Frequency Display 4 digits kHz & MHz Indication
Operating Conditions Temperature: 5 ℃ ~ 45 ℃, Humidity: 10 ~ 85 % R.H.
Input Power AC 220 V, 50/ 60 Hz
Dimensions 255(W) × 100(H) × 280(D) (mm)
Weight 2.1 kg (Approx.)


첨부 (Attach)

   파일내용 (The content of file) : 


   사진 (Picture)  : 


posted by 엠씨고
계측기정보 2019. 4. 24. 13:34

기기명 (Instrument) :  Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope

제작회사 (Manufacturer) :  TEKTRONIX

형식 (Model) :  DPO7000C (DPO7054C, DPO7104C, DPO7254C, DPO7354C)

세부내용 (Description) : 

DPO7000C 시리즈

DPO7000C 시리즈는 최대 3.5GHz의 대역폭과 최대 40GS/s의 샘플링 속도를 제공하므로 중요한 고속 신호를 분석하는 데 적합합니다. 30개 이상의 분석 패키지가 통신 표준, 지터 분석, 메모리 버스 표준, 벡터 분석 등을 자세히 측정할 수 있는 기능을 제공합니다. 또한 Windows 운영 체제를 사용하면 장비에서 바로 분석 소프트웨어를 실행할 수 있습니다.


첨부 (Attach)

   파일내용 (The content of file) :  데이터시트

Tektronix DPO7000C_Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope(Datasheet).pdf


   사진 (Picture)  : 

posted by 엠씨고